The dream of a lower middle class person

The dream of a lower middle class person

The dream of a lower middle class person

Before understanding regarding the topic dream of a lower middle class person, first of all we should know what are the middle class family and lower middle class family.

Basically middle class family is a type of family, where we can say, they have good jobs and the income of family is good. But, they are neither rich nor poor. Lower middle class family are basically ordinary people who usually have moderate jobs and income of family is less than the middle class family.

In this twenty first century, the dream of a middle class and lower middle class family is like a highflier. Those who, belongs to lower middle class family, most of people are not earning that much of money. But dream is so big. !!!

So, in this situation some question arises… If the dream is big, question is, either we have to earn more money to achieve our dreams or if we unable to earn required money, then simply we have to sacrifice our dream. 

But, every dream is very sentiment for each individuals, it’s quite difficult to sacrifice the dream actually. Basically these types of situations are mostly found in middle class and lower class families, because a financially higher class family can achieve any types of dreams easily.

So my dear friends, you must have heard… If you want to achieve something big, then definitely you have to lost many things in your life. Yes it’s very true fact basically for a lower middle class family.

Dreaming big is not a crime, it’s good. But don’t do crime to achieve your dream, because it’s not good. So, if you want to enjoy your dream, then achieve it by legal and polite way, that will be ultimate and lifetime happiness for you.

We must have heard many times, money is nothing in life. But in real, behind the every happiness and every requirement in our life, there is MONEY. So earning money is most important thing in our life.

If we will note down our all requirements, problems in our life, unable to fulfil our desires and all our daily basis difficulties, then we will find the root cause of all our problems and difficulties is MONEY.

So my dear friends, If you have big dreams and unfortunately you are belongs to a lower middle class family or middle class family, even if you want to achieve your dreams, then the only formula is earn money as per your requirement.  

In case of lower middle class family, sometimes what happen, Even if the income of family is good, but due to improper expenditure strategies, that means more unwanted expenses could hamper your family’s overall growth. So, proper and systematic financial plan is required to be executive, then also we could achieve our dreams within our limited income.

Everybody in the World and also you must have some dreams in your life. But really if you want to achieve your dreams, then, remember one most important thing, your dream should be emotionally connected to you. As we know, for any human beings, emotions are the most powerful tool to operate our mind and we know our mind is super powerful. If our mind works positively, then we can achieve anything in the World.


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{ Deepak Muduli }